they come and go... fast.

It's already Sunday. While it seems like Friday hasn't really go away, now I have to embrace the coming of another week. I guess time waits for no man.

Before, weekends are most looked forward to for various reasons. Now, weekends are anticipated very much to a point that I can be so uncompromising to sacrifice them for things which I see as unworthy. Weekends are my most treasured gifts right now.

With my title as a 'teacher', I can never expect what is going to come my way. When I think I'm done for the week, that's when the handphone decides to beep on a Friday night that requires you to be in school tomorrow to cover a teacher who apparently cant make it for the extra class. As one who (is expected to) heed the 'saya yang menurut perintah' slogan, you have to forget the comfort of your bed and like any other working days, you wake up extra early on a Saturday morning. And there goes half of your supposedly day off.

I shouldn't be complaining, yes. We are told to expect these kinds of things back when we were still attending lectures. But, I can't pretend that I'm not the least affected. I'm not married yes, but does that mean that I am not entitled to have a life? Because there were times when I feel like I'm being used just because I am single. *sighsighsighsigh*

And I haven't been really going out, too. I really want to get super wasted on things, which obviously I can afford now with the income I've been getting. There is an endless list of things and activities which I want to indulge myself in, but, I have not--the time normally doesn't permit. Exhaustion gets the best of me and staying in is always the final option. I hope I don't sound too pathetic.

So, yes. I normally will be on hiatus during weekends, opting to spend the time with family and close buddies whom I think are deserving of my precious time. Don't mistake me for being one selfish b****, but I think you'd understand when I say quality time is very much needed for someone who seems to get chased by time itself on a daily basis. *shudders*

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The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)