breast or bottle?

In 5 days, it will mark the 6th month that I am breastfeeding Luqman. Looking back, I would never have thought that I would ace this. Alhamdulillah, He has given me the rizkh to nurse my son and he is growing healthily. Alhamdulillah, too, that Luqman doesn't seem to have problems with bottle-feeding during the time I am at work.

Both methods of feeding go well with him, and they both have their pros and cons.

Generally, breastfeeding (bf) mothers will agree when I say bf is very convenient. It really is. The milk is available whenever the baby is hungry and no preparation is needed. Night feedings are as simple as scooping your baby and settling comfortably in whatever position you wish to nurse him/her. An outing will not be a hassle as there would be no preparation for bottles, expressed breast milk (ebm) and warmer.

With breastfeeding, I take pride in being able to take care of my baby by giving him what he needs most - his milk. The baby becomes part of us and the physical closeness is very strong. I love it that I can notice every little roll of his fat and feel so proud.

Bf makes me feel confident and it is evident in the way I carry myself as a bf mum. I am not shy to talk about it and let them know how I truly support bf. It also has turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

As a breastfeeding mum, it makes me be more careful about what I eat and drink as what I consume will be transmitted to my baby. This way, too, I get to maintain a balanced diet :) In case you forget, bf also helps a woman to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight (it did to me) - what a physical advantage!

Although bf can be confining, I'd like to take that as one of the challenges with a solution - patience. It teaches me to be persistent and resistant to any negativity that might break my determination in bf.

As for bottle-feeding, it definitely gives me mobility and I don't have to worry much when I leave him for work. If I am too tired to bf, bottle-feeding relieves me and it gives my husband and other family members to bond with my baby.

Of course, bottle-feeding using EBM requires a careful handling from thawing, warming, and cleaning the bottles. To me, this type of nursing is more difficult as it requires time and it is a nuisance making bottles. Besides, some babies face nipple confusion that once they're bottle-fed, they refuse to feed directly.

However, as a working mum, I can't avoid bottle-feeding. It helps me to still breastfeed using my EBM for the feedings that I will miss. Bottle-feeding also helps mothers whose babies refuse to direct feed and still continue bf. Wonderful isn't it?

Breastfeeding does not mean that babies drink directly from the mother only. Babies drinking from the bottle filled with their mothers' EBM are also called bf.
So, in praise of breast and bottle, babies can thrive on either one of them.

My baby thrives on my milk :) And be proud that your baby thrives on yours too.

Breastfeeding is in vogue :)

*pictures from google*

The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)