God's plan

While I am all psyched that my ijab kabul will be in a month's time, I cannot help but feel saddened at the same time by the fact that there will be weddings of friends whom I won't be able to attend and vice versa.

Our dates are all redundant.

My nikah will be on the 27th of November. It is the same date as Kay's reception, my homie, Nadia's nikah, and my college housemate, Nisya's nikah, too.

The following week, 4th of December is my reception, which happens to be Kay, Nadia, and Nisya's bertandang. Not to mention Ichik's reception too. Is it Timmc's walimah too, I hear?

I so badly want to attend Kay's wedding but we won't be able to. Dahla masa her engagement pun I couldn't attend because of gotong royong di sekolah. She on the other hand, did sort of come to mine. Read her post on my engagement here to understand.

Nadia, I don't worry so much because our house is just a stone's throw away. I can always go visit her.

Nisya, my housemate back in college! I so wanna see you bersanding wey! :(( I can't believe we are going to miss each other's weddings *sigh*

Ok, can I switch back to my happy mode? Approximately a month to go! :)

1 Replies:

Ummu Yousuf October 29, 2010 at 6:00 AM  

tasha dear! its okeydokes! hehe, what are the odds of having our receptions on the very same day!:)

hope all goes well insyaAllah:)
cant wait for your nikah:)

The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)