gym observation

I never thought that gym instructors have to be observed, too.

I went for the Body Attack class and found out that today's class was going to be observed via recording. It transported me back to the time when I used to have my classroom observations during practicum. Jason, the instructor, reminded me a lot of those times when we forewarned the students how to behave once the observer arrives, how to ask and answer questions, and most importantly to act normal. We were told similar things.

And I can't help but smile.

I could tell that he was nervous but he did great. He was enthusiatic, supportive, cheerful, and he provided options for the slow learners. Very much like what a teacher is but in a totally different environment. Of course, the class had to be conducted in a lock-stepped manner. After all, what do you expect? It's a cardio class--it should be that way kan?

For some reasons, he inspired me.

Now I have ideas swirling in my mind :)

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The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)