my story

It has been almost 2 months but I feel compelled to share my labour story.

Like everyone else's, mine would be another 'sama tapi tak serupa' account but it was a unique experience for me.

So, I have shared the story of the first stage of labour - The Show - here. I guess I'll take it from there.


That morning (28th of December 2011), at 9.30 am, we decided to make our way to the hospital because I felt the contractions were starting to peak and they were frequent. It felt like it was never going to end, but they were still mild and I could still walk albeit slowly.

Once in the labour room, the normal procedure was carried out. The nurse checked and my cervix had dilated 3 cm. I remember the first thing the nurse did was to insert a pil into my anal for me to pass motion almost immediately. That was done to empty my bowel. Then my urine was forced out through a tube. I was too busy coping with my contraction that I wasn't really aware of what's been done or how. Next, she broke my water and that was the start of a stormy time for me, physically and emotionally. The whole time I was strapped to a CTG machine to monitor the baby's heartbeat.

At about 12 pm, I began to feel some expulsive, pushing contractions. It was painful, they really hurt. After some time, I just couldn't take it anymore. At one point, I felt shaky, shivery and sick. I looked at my husband begging for him to do something but of course there's nothing that he could do. He held my hand and cuddled me, in the hope of trying to make the pain go away but it won't. We also had the beautiful ayat from the Quran be on constant play on our Ipad - that was really calming. The nurse checked on me every hour and alhamdulillah, I seemed to dilate every hour, too.

At about 2.30pm, that's when I said I really couldn't carry on anymore. The pain was really tugging that I remember falling asleep for awhile - I guess I blacked out. The contractions were pushing my cervix to its limits before the big push. It was intense. It's like your lower body is going to fall off anytime but it didn't. It also felt like you're going to pass motion - only it is out of your control. I feel sorry for my husband whose hand I gripped so tightly come every contraction (that's not even birth time yet!). I was too tired coping with pain that I can't even verbally recite the dhikr. I recited them in my heart. In the midst of that all, I managed to eat a few kurmas and drank some water.

This phase went on for an hour when the nurse who checked my opening said "Okay, dah 9 cm. Dah boleh mula push ye". I began to panic because this is it! I was really scared of what's to come at the same time I can't wait for it to be over. This was when I could feel the pressure between my legs and I know the baby's coming out anytime. The doctor came. Together with 2 nurses and my husband, they guided me and encouraged me throughout the hard work. I pushed down during contractions and took breaths in between.

As my baby descended, I got an overwhelming urge to push but somehow the baby still isn't out yet. It's when I saw the doctor reached for a cup-like suction device that I know my baby will need a helping hand to be delivered. As much as I prayed for a normal unassisted birth, God has better plans. My baby was vacuumed. Because I was getting an assisted birth, I also had an epiosotomy - a cut made at the skin of the entrance of the vagina towards the back passage (yikes!) to allow for the vaccum device to be inserted. With that and a few hard long pushes after, my baby was delivered at 4.05 pm - on the day of my EDD (yeay!)

It felt like a huge watermelon had gushed out and at the end of that, all I can say is I have never felt so relieved in my life. It's finally over! The placenta was delivered too which made my stomach felt really empty. My husband can never stopped planting kisses all over my face and I was too exhausted to really care. We praised Allah for his gift and we were relieved that everything ended with no complications.

The stitching and whatever things that took place after labour weren't much cared for as I was too busy admiring our baby. The fact that I was covered with blood and bodily fluids didn't distract me at all. Like I said, I was just overwhelmed with relief. All the time, I felt like I didn't just go through that all. It was like having an out-of-body experience. I didn't shed any tears, too, and we were all smiles.

It was when my husband recited the azan and iqamat that I felt a lump in my throat. Realization hit me that this precious little thing is our ultimate responsibility, our little caliph on earth.

This has got to be my greatest achievement ever. Nothing would ever top this feeling of pure satisfaction that we had made him and I have never felt so content alhamdulillah!

I am now a proud mother.


It was indeed a battle. That is why syurga itu di bawah tapak kaki ibu :)

Be grateful that you're a woman because we are definitely the chosen ones.

And praise Allah for all the rewards he bestowed upon us :)

6 Replies:

Hidayati Farhan February 22, 2012 at 9:21 PM  

terkepit-kepit saya baca cerita awk ni tasha. hehe, rs ngeri plak nak deliver. tp mmg lps baby keluar tu dah tak rasa saket lgsg ye tasha?

me February 22, 2012 at 10:44 PM  

Heee, don't be! Nak bersalin nanti takleh kepit2 hehe

Takdela tak sakit langsung. Mcm ngilu2. Time stitching tu rasa what's going on tp x sakit sbb doc dah sapu anaesthetic, ke inject bius tah lupa.

Tp dah xhirau dah sbb sakit bersalin mengatasi segalanya :)

Dah ada good news ke?

Mommy Brella February 23, 2012 at 10:08 AM  

tashaaa...kenapa i pulak yg rasa sebak bila baca ni!! Rasa macam i pon ade dalam labour room time u nak bersalin tu! (hehe kelakar tak?)
lain org lain pengalaman, thnks for sharing this. utk i yang coming soon ni, debaran kian terasa..ya Allah nervous , risau, tak taula..semua ada..mudah2an dipermudahkan segalannya Ameen. :)

me February 23, 2012 at 1:10 PM  

No problem Dayah. The intention was to share and for mommies-to-be to get an idea of what's to come. But of course, yours will be another unique experience itself.

Once u go through it, you'll know how it feels :)

InsyaAllah, ok semua Dayah. doa banyak2 k and I pray that everything will be smooth for you amin!

Mommy Brella February 23, 2012 at 9:42 PM  

tq tasha!! :)

Anonymous March 21, 2012 at 5:14 PM  

hi u gave birth in demc?? i will be too insya-Allah..could u do me a favour by providing me with the cost estimation? feel free to email me at Sis..

The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)