It's the leap year! And I am pretty sure anyone who was born today look forward to this day very much. I am most certain that I have a friend whose birthday is today, but I can't recall somehow.
Can't imagine having this date as your anniversary. You celebrate it every 4 years which means, the amount of years spent together is multiplied by 4, so they're reduced, technically. Can't say I like that.
Today is also much looked forward to because it's Luqman's second month check-up and also for his second jab.
Alhamdulillah, he's growing well and healthy. He is now 5.6kg (which explains the sore arms tsk!) and 58cm long.
I am just so happy to see his progress. He can now smile and laugh everytime we initiate a conversation with him. Dah pandai berborak jugak. Love his babbles and gurgles.
I just love him more and more!
What Would You Do If A Student Belittles You?
3 years ago
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