the 45th day

Last Friday marked the end of my confinement (weehuuu!), so what a better way to celebrate than to go out for an outing.

Together with mum and Luqman, we went out to the nearby Jaya Jusco, but not without some drama before we left. Apparently yours truly, out of all things, tak reti nak lipat stroller nak masuk dalam kereta. All this while, I've watched my husband does that and it appears so easy. So I called him only to be greeted by his roaring laughter when I asked him sheepishly "Macam mana nak lipat stroller nih?". He answered "Takde soalan lagi susah ke nak tanya?". Fine. Mind-boggling sangatlah my question kan.

After 30 minutes of hardwork and sweat, the stroller was successfully and neatly folded and we were good to go. Why half-an-hour? Don't even ask.

Luqman was sleeping most of the time, so it was easy to walk around. Then came the time when he was awake and he showed signs of wailing, so we hurriedly searched for the Feeding Room.

Thank God Jusco has a very spacious and beautiful Feeding Room, so I didn't have to find a suitable spot to breastfeed him in public.

It is good to know that most shopping malls now do have Feeding Rooms for breastfeeding mums. I wasn't even aware of such importance before. Now that I am one of them, it is always a relief to know that there is a place where I can breastfeed my baby privately. Not that I have problems nursing in public, but I rather nurse him privately.

Luqman's full, alhamdulillah! :)

I also got myself the hot Longan and Red dates drink from Chatime. Didn't expect Chatime to have it though, since this is the drink said to boost milk production and such drink is normally prepared at home. So, I tried upon a friend's recommendation.

It was okay, much to my liking although it was a tad too sweet. I added some water once I reached home to reduce the sweetness. I don't know if it was pure coincidence or what but alhamdulillah milk production definitely increased. Need to try it again to really confirm that it is my milk booster :)

5 Replies:

"L" February 15, 2012 at 5:01 PM  

jangan minum banyak2 tau nanti kene kencing mani..hihi..better buat sendiri kat umah je..

luqman dah bolattt..alhamdulillah berkat susu ibu :)

me February 15, 2012 at 6:45 PM  

Tulah. Manis! Dah beli dah dried longan nanti nak rebus buat sendiri hehe

Alhamdulillah, Luqman membesar dgn sihat. Ni baru sebulan lebih tapi dah berat x larat nak dukung :)

k.nurul February 22, 2012 at 6:33 AM  

rina..satu lagi tips.try makan buah oren or minum jus oren..k.nurul pernah baca blh boost breastmilk juga..tapi kene cuba.semoga dimurahkan rezeki untuk menyusukan luqman sampai 2 tahun ;)

me February 22, 2012 at 2:23 PM  

thanks kak nurul. nanti try tgk :)

p/s ni kak nuruk cik uji ke? :)

k.nurul February 24, 2012 at 10:53 AM  

aah..selamat mencuba :)

The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)