wishful thinking

I'm green with envy at my brother. I wish I could have such life he is living now. I want to go through each day without having to worry about making mistakes which will affect a generation. I want to be able to be have the kind of stress which is not that wringing. I don't mind being slammed with lots of assignment and at the same time still have time going out with buddies. I want to sleep real late and then still go for lectures the next day (with a cup of coffee on your table)because all you have to do is listen. If you don't get them, there's always the i-lectures which had been a great help. I want to able to skip work without having to worry about the tedious CRK and rest at home when I don't think I have the strength to get out of bed.

I want to go through uni life all over again because I really miss being a student. My brother has been calling almost everyday telling me and family what he's been up to and all the plans he's made. What a blessed life he has. I know I shouldn't compare and I have to be grateful. After all, I've been in his place before. The golden ticket which flew me to another land which my brother currently resides had offered me the best of uni life I can ever asked for. I guess that's why I don't mind doing it all over again. Abundance of assignments is nothing compared to the kind of workload that I have to deal right now.

I'm happy that he's happy. But it is so enviable that he's been to that rugby show which I didn't get to go last time. Grrrr!!!

And school starts tomorrow. In which I should be happy about. Tee-hee...

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The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)