After 40 weeks of carrying and 7 hours of labour, our baby boy was safely delivered on the 28th of December 2011 at 4.05 pm. Alhamdulillah!
I remember being very exhausted right after the birth but I've also never felt so happy. We have never felt so happy and relieved. The fact that I was recovering from a huge physical upheaval didn't stop me from being exhilarated. The pain (oh my, the pain!!!) was shortlift once Luqman was brought out into the world. Until this very moment, I still can't believe I had endured what is said to be the 2nd most painful ordeal - birth - and it will always remain a unique and special experience for both my husband and I.
That is why syurga itu di bawah tapak kaki ibu. Masha Allah!
It still feels strange holding our newborn. Wow. I am now a mother. Ummi to Luqman. The realisation that we are now responsible for this precious new life is daunting but every mum and dad in the world was a new parent once. So welcome to the confusing but wonderful world of parenthood to us!
I am not going to lie that I was slightly terrified (still am) of looking and handling a baby although newborns don't need much. I have discovered that all he needs are regular feed, cuddles and nappy changes. Well, even that proves to be a lot of work for newbies like us. Plus I am still weak physically, so I was weepy for the first week - a combination of exhaustion and raging hormones. Difficulty in breastfeeding didn't help either (I'll write about that later) but alhamdulillah, the support from my husband and family (my mother especially) really help. Not to mention close friends who keep on checking on me and has helped me cope with motherhood.
Today, Luqman is 17 days old. He is growing healthily. I am recovering physically and I am stronger emotionally, too. I am going to say it again, parenthood is tough. Everyday is spent in an exhausted but happy haze with a newborn in the house. With him in the house, he gives the new meaning to the word 'disarray' and my husband and I are both all over the place! We are now dividing those tedious-but-necessary tasks between us (while mom helps in the sideline a lot!). Though challenging, it is the most rewarding thing.
As for us, now is the time to reach deep into our reserves of patience and understanding because it really is a testing phase. Husbands - you have to tolerate with your wives. And as for wives, be considerate - do not chunk everything to your other half. Above all, keep communicating and make du'a constantly for He is the one who help you go through everything :)
Believe it or not, a new life's begun :)
That is why syurga itu di bawah tapak kaki ibu. Masha Allah!
It still feels strange holding our newborn. Wow. I am now a mother. Ummi to Luqman. The realisation that we are now responsible for this precious new life is daunting but every mum and dad in the world was a new parent once. So welcome to the confusing but wonderful world of parenthood to us!
I am not going to lie that I was slightly terrified (still am) of looking and handling a baby although newborns don't need much. I have discovered that all he needs are regular feed, cuddles and nappy changes. Well, even that proves to be a lot of work for newbies like us. Plus I am still weak physically, so I was weepy for the first week - a combination of exhaustion and raging hormones. Difficulty in breastfeeding didn't help either (I'll write about that later) but alhamdulillah, the support from my husband and family (my mother especially) really help. Not to mention close friends who keep on checking on me and has helped me cope with motherhood.
Today, Luqman is 17 days old. He is growing healthily. I am recovering physically and I am stronger emotionally, too. I am going to say it again, parenthood is tough. Everyday is spent in an exhausted but happy haze with a newborn in the house. With him in the house, he gives the new meaning to the word 'disarray' and my husband and I are both all over the place! We are now dividing those tedious-but-necessary tasks between us (while mom helps in the sideline a lot!). Though challenging, it is the most rewarding thing.
As for us, now is the time to reach deep into our reserves of patience and understanding because it really is a testing phase. Husbands - you have to tolerate with your wives. And as for wives, be considerate - do not chunk everything to your other half. Above all, keep communicating and make du'a constantly for He is the one who help you go through everything :)
Believe it or not, a new life's begun :)
6 Replies:
congrats tasha! best x jadi ummi? hehe.. lepas ni setiap hari kite belajar bende baru..kene study perangai dorang. hari2 tak same. yang paling penting kene SABAR..
semoga tasha menjadi ummi yang terbaik buat Luqman :)
thanks! mestilah best but like u said, kena SABAR byk2. kekadang tu lupa so have keep on reminding myself, baby tak tahu apa, kita mak dia so kenalah buat yg terbaik.
every day is a learning process :) insyaAllah, amin!
i am still very proud of you tasha.. :) :)
Thanks Dayana!
Salam Tasha!
AM one of your silent readers and couldn't stay put to see how cute Luqman is!
Congratulation for having Luqman, and enjoy the motherhood.
Keep us updated on the cute little caliph ;)
Mabrook to you and husband!
Salam Ainis!
Thank you for reading and commenting. Alhamdulillah for such precious gift and I am enjoying motherhood much. Parenting is definitely a lot of work and sacrifice, so we are still learning.
Will definitely update on Luqman :)
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