
At this point of time, I feel so helpless. I am normally an active person but pregnancy has made me feel like an old lady with aches of all kind. Not complaining, no, but there are times when everything is just so overwhelming that I can't help but grumble a bit. The changes, especially now that I am nearing the end of the lap, are taking its toll on my body. But which pregnant lady has not gone through this?


It saddens me that I even bear such attitude. Throughout my pregnancy, I admit I do grumble, less realising that I should bear such difficulties patiently and calmly as I insyaAllah will be rewarded.

An extract taken from Upbringing of Children by Moulana Moosa ibn Ahmad Olgar :

After sometime has elapsed, the couple desire that Allah Taa'la bless them with a child and thus through marital consummation Allah Taa'la grants their wish. The first stage that follows is that of pregnancy. A person should not be ashamed of being pregnant or treat it as a big burden, as there are many virtues and rewards for being pregnant.

As I have 2 more months to go, I am starting to feel a little sad knowing that I will miss this bump. Most of all, I wonder if I have done enough for this baby while he is still in the womb (as Islamic Education starts right there) before he sees the world. The thoughts that I carry, the feelings that I have, the kinds of books that I read, the things that I see and eat, the company that I have and the things that I hear; they all have an effect to the baby. This is because the mother's nervous system is affecting all the systems of the baby.

O Allah, thank you for such precious gift..

I pray to you Allah that I will remain calm and happy throughout the remaining pregnancy..

I pray that I always generate good and positive thoughts..

I pray that my baby and I will be protected from calamities...

That I don't hold grudges, not to be unduly worried about something and not to be overtaken by grief..

I pray to you Allah that I will have a smooth labour and everything will be eased..


The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)