a short holiday

It's surprising how I quite enjoy being directly involved with the Headcount/SAP work albeit how challenging it is. I still remember how much I dreaded it for all the headache and heartaches and look how the table has turned. I wonder if this is what I like doing, apart from the Big T(eaching).

Or probably I enjoy going out from the school once in a while for Urusan Rasmi *big grin* in which I am for two days in a row now -- which means I haven't seen my students for 2 weeks already. But I am not complaining, not at all. I am enjoying every moment of my time off from school and teaching. Weehoo!! Esok sambung cuti Deepavali sampai Monday. Oh boy. 2 weeks off man.

What more can I ask for? I hope my students don't miss me too much. Not!

Happy Deepavali to my Indian friends!

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The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)