No. 2

I posted this on Facebook some time last week and many shared the joy and I could tell that many were really surprised, too.

*Wahh second one already?*
I received many personal messages about this and what can I say? Alhamdulillah, syukur! Allah's rezeki! Well, I guess, the one person who's most surprised with this news was me myself.

Remember the post I wrote last Ramadhan about my menstrual cycle 'playing hide and seek' with me? Well, that's because I have already conceived at that time :) I could have fasted full the whole month if it's not for the spotting which appeared on the last day of Ramadhan (which I thought was my period) and I was relieved. Only it was short-lived as I was clear the next day and the days after which led me to buy the pregnancy test kit.

I wasn't exactly all hyped and thrilled when the double line appeared on the stick. I didn't know what I was feeling exactly at that time. But I remembered hubster was over the moon when I came out of the hotel toilet during our Raya vacation in Malacca a few months back and handed him the proof.

I was feeling and thinking a lot of things, mainly revolving Luqman. Like how he has to be a big brother at such a young age (calculatively, he would be 1y4m when this baby will be delivered insyaAllah), how I might have to stop breastfeeding him, will I be able to cope handling him while I am carrying another one etc. I questioned my husband how could this be because we have planned. I guess I was frustrated. At that, hubby stopped me and he said do not question Allah's fate. This is the ultimate rezeki, so be thankful. Astaghfirullahalazim! Why do I have to question it? And it was from there that I began to be more emotionally stabled. I told myself be grateful and embrace this second pregnancy just like we did the first time.

The first 2 months were quite tough, not because I was having terrible sickness, but because my body was exhausted most of the time. To add to that, I have Luqman to look after, what with my parents away for Hajj. I was mostly emotional and I broke down a couple of times. I guess my body was changing and the hormones just affected me much. I am so thankful I have my husband and sister who patiently put up with me and continuously support me. They joked that it might be a girl coz I was hormonal all the time (which turned out to be true!). Sheesshh! Then things got better and better, alhamdulillah!

So yes, I am more than happy now. I am currently at my 21st week.Alhamdulillah Allah decides to give us sooner than expected and I believe He knows best. I believe he has planned everything beautifully for us. I just pray that this pregnancy will be a smooth one, with no complications and I would be able to go through a normal labour, too insyaAllah!

8 Replies:

L November 30, 2012 at 5:26 PM  


semua yg berlaku ada hikmah disebaliknya. :)

me November 30, 2012 at 10:04 PM  

Thanks El! I believe so, too ;)

Jarod Yong November 30, 2012 at 10:56 PM  

Just like the first time, you'll ace this one Tasha.
I have faith in you. You'll raise both children like the great mom you are! =)

me November 30, 2012 at 11:12 PM  

Auwww thanks Jarod! I really hope so ;)

Unknown December 1, 2012 at 9:20 PM  

A baby girl added to the family soon. I guess uncle farouk n mak su farah xsbr dh.hehe

me December 2, 2012 at 2:59 PM  

Yes, insyaAllah. They are my lifetime babysitter so they better be excited! Haha

Haneesa December 13, 2012 at 1:55 PM  

haaaa, congrats tasha! :)

me December 13, 2012 at 3:30 PM  

Thanks Haneesa! :)

The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)