It's been two weeks since I last updated my blog. Things have been usual, if not a little upbeat. I had so many things coming through my way and I am extremely exhausted, which explains the silence. I don't intend to bore you people with words and more words, as I am lost for them. So let's make this post one that's filled with pictures.
Me and my family have just moved to our new house a week ago. Days leading to last Saturday were the most tiring ones I had ever endured. Moving out is not as excruciating as moving in. Thank God for our old neighbours who have been with us for the past 25 years (The Jalan 5 people), the process of shifting was less burdened. It's touching to see uncles and aunties who literally are like my own parents convoyed all the way with us, helped us with everything.
We finally settled down on Thursday, when we have finished unpacking and cleaning everything. Now, it really feels like home, and I have no problems adapting to the new environment.
In the midst of shifting, I had to handle my school's KPA marching platoons. Like previous years, we sent 2 platoons for the competition and this year, I had a taste of what it's like to be their manager. It was never a smooth sailing journey for me ever since January. Selalu tak senang duduk and hati tak tenang selagi competition tak habis. I am constantly on the run, making sure that everything was fine. On top of that, I also had to organize a Marching Camp for them which is a must everytime before they go for competition. I seriously think it is such a waste of time and energy but we did it anyway. Problems surfaced as expected but I am glad that it was all over.
So the competition was held on the 8th of April at SMJK Kwang Hua. Alhamdulillah, the Girls Marching
And in the midst of all that too, our school had a Gotong-Royong Perdana - a program/activity carried out to beautify our school. It added to the existing exhaustion because it was held on the same day as the Marching Camp. Clubs/Societies were divided to paint murals on the decided walls, classes had to be cleaned and decorated, and notice boards were to be filled in as well. I was multitasking between checking the students during the camp (it was held on the school ground too) and decorating my own class. Below are some of the murals which I thought were outstanding.
But it was all worth it, because my class won third place in the "Kelas Paling Ceria" Category after the overall judging. No pictures taken though sebab terlupa. And our class won first place last week for the same category too. *Kembang ok!* And I have been going in and out of school for meetings too. Penat yang teramat! And last night I think was the best closure to my hectic weeks because my dear friends, Hidah and Ina came over and we had the best 2 hours of our lives (kot?). They stayed until 11 pm and we talked and talked like old times.
Phew! I can finally take a breather. And I am going to have my morning nap now :)
2 Replies:
What is a Marching Camp?
Why is it a waste of time?
It's a camp whereby students go through intensive marching training 24/7 for 3 days. I personally think it's a waste time because all they ever did ever since january is that. the only difference is that they're camping on the school grounds. i've been involved with it for 2 years now and i seriously don't see how much they benefit from it. but it's like a yearly activity for kpa so i had to carry it out though.
however, i am going to call it off next year though if ever i am the advisor again. it is very costly too you know. phew!
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