The Y Generation

I don't know what seem to cause the silent commotion in my school, but every teacher I know has lost the drive these days. I have to admit, my school has gone from bad to worse - in terms of its discipline. It's like we are all on the edge, waiting for it to become even worst. Many of us just can't seem to be bothered because we have all tried our level best to combat this problem but to no avail. It's like they are out of control. And you know, a teacher can do as much but we all have our own baggage to carry.

The Y Generation. That's what we call them. The pampered lot, if you would like to call it. A generation that has transformed the way school nowadays work. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't students supposed to adhere to the school? But now schools have to cater to the way students are, which I think is the root of all evil. I'm getting sick of my Superior repeatedly saying "Students are not to be blamed. We are". When I first stepped into this profession, yes, I hold on to that reminder like it's my life I'm depending it on. But after being in school for almost 3 years, I have seen and experienced enough to discard it. The reminder makes me smirk.

I'm so fed-up with students who are so rude. Even rude doesn't seem appropriate to describe their state of being. They scream at you, call you names, say vulgar words right to your face and threaten to kill you even. They tease you just to see your limits and they are just reluctant to study. This is what I call pure evil. Memang jahat sejahatnya. It's not the teacher's fault that they act the way do, it's because that's how they are. Parents don't seem to care much, all they know is attack the school back once they are being called. Don't bother to sympathize or empathize if you have been teaching a Grade A daily school or a boarding school. They are all God-sent, your students. Even so, they might pose a problem of other sort.

And because of that we have been concentrating so much on curbing the discipline that our academic gets affected. It's detrimental. We can't even rise as this discipline problem seems to be our main agenda every single day. However, students are not much better. It's worrying, yes, but they have drained the best of us that we couldn't be bothered. To me, it's like talking to an empty vessel. Istiqamah is the key, but I am so tired already. So, we resort to being silent. Why should we when our venting always backfire?

It's an ordeal, trying to change a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.

5 Replies:

Rosyada July 20, 2011 at 4:09 PM  


tasha, hang in there.

yes, i too, sometimes feel that some of my students are the reincarnations of evil itself.

but we need to persevere nonetheless...

"for every hardship, there is relief"

Najib Azmi July 21, 2011 at 9:35 AM  

me and soya has been discussing a lot about this issue. the only thing that is certain is things aren't going to get better in schools because the society as a whole has become morally bankrupt. the school - us teachers- can do very little to undo this damage. The only thing that will save us is a complete moral reform and that is at the moment quite impossible.

me July 24, 2011 at 8:26 AM  

syada : thanks syada. sometimes i feel like i have failed. but i know most teachers share the same feeling. you too, hang in there :)

najib : exactly. i couldn't agree more. like i said, there is just as much as a teacher can do but if the students can't seem to change, then it's their loss. i can only pray.

Jarod Yong July 24, 2011 at 6:39 PM  

After the arrival of a new school head, I foresee the same thing happening at my school.
Most of the teachers cant be bothered, so I can foresee myself battling the evils of this generation on my own & ridiculed by my own but I'm still going to fight the good fight because it is right.

I'm not here to make a living, I'm here to make a difference.

Umm Khadeejah July 26, 2011 at 12:21 AM  

tasha kesiannya when i read this post..i could feel like you're panting kepenatan!

hang in there.hugs mummy-to-be ;)

The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)