toilet talk

I don't know about all of you, but I am very fussy when it comes to going to public toilets. Even in shopping malls, I normally have to think twice before making my way there but not under unavoidable circumstances though. I have problems with squatting toilets and ones which do not have water pipes. Instead, the water comes from the inside of the toilet bowl and God knows how awkward a situation that can cause.

And let's not start on toilets which have cleanliness and hygienic issues. I have seen public toilets which are in the most terrible condition one can imagine. We are talking about droplets of s*** everywhere, the floor has long seen its better days, and a smell which makes whatever your initial intention going to the toilet halted. Add a little vandalisme to that and all you get is nothing close to what it seems like a toilet.

And having seen some in the Saudi Arabia (its public toilets along the highway) kinda frustrates me more than anything. Makes one think with its reputation as the richest Middle East country, something could at least been done about the toilets. Makes the ones we have back here at the RnR so much better in comparison. Speaking of which, I never liked the ones in Australia and New Zealand too. They all seemed so unkempt and it just gave out that nauseating vibe to me. I can count the times when I actually used the public toilets there.

However, I have my favourites. Like today, I went to one in SACC Mall. The toilets were so clean and the floor was sparkling it's hard to believe. And the fragrant smile was really pleasing to my nose. I also like the ones at the airport - KLIA that is. And those in IKEA. Other places which are tolerable include Sunway Pyramid, OU, The Curve, Subang Parade, and Fitness First.

I think the public needs to be more conscious about toilet use. And what a better place to start than the school itself. However, given the horrible condition the toilets in most schools are, it's no wonder why most public toilets are nothing better. If you come to my school, you would be shaken to discover that all that is ever left are the toilet bowls. The pipes are missing and the sinks are all terribly clogged. Not to mention very filthy. And the kids who made all of these happened stepped into the real world and they (not surprising) will continue doing the same thing.

You'd be surprised on how much talent the girls have too.

So, my point is, take care of the public toilets. One person can make a difference. The cleaners have done their parts (poor them who had to endure the terrible mess which might have caused by us). Because I'd like to add more to my favourite list!

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The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)