When we knew that another baby is coming soon, I decided that I want to try babywearing (BW) her. The thought of having to stuff our bonet with two strollers gives us headache not to mention such a hassle.
So I did some reading and asked friends who are babywearing their babies. Let me tell you there are just soooo many types of BW that I am just so lost as to which should I get. The designs and colours are just too cute and pretty that I got tempted, forgetting that practicality is what I am looking for.
Finally, I decided on a wrap; MOBY wrap.
MOBY is derived from MOther + baBy, for the feeling of closeness and connection between mother and baby. The first thing that made me attracted to MOBY is how neat the wrap is and how secure the baby looks in it. So I got a friend to get me one.
Only, trying it on is not as easy as the instructional booklet says it is!! Grrrr! Getting started on the simple and quick wrap technique was, to me, energy draining (still dalam pantang so not so energetic) and I was sweating all the way through. The end product of my first wrapping was lousy and terrible-looking. There's no way a baby can be put in there. Heck, I think Adeena, if she can speak, would say "Errr Umi, you're carrying me in there? No thanks!"
Anyway, I didn't give up. Tried and tried and tried until I finally got a hang of all those wrapping and I decided it's time to put the baby in. It was scary at first because I was worried that Adeena's limbs might be hurt and that she won't be supported right.
I gave it a try, anyway.
So what do you think? I thought I aced it for a first-timer. Need to practice more and get us used to this type of hug hold.
And then I might get another Soft Structured Carrier when she grows bigger ;)
9 Replies:
Woit dh kurus!
Moby ni elastic ke kain die
Haha still a few kilos to shed!
Yup elastic. Stretchable
get boba Tasha for SS. its very comfortable but a tad pricy.aku pun xguna sangat sbb Qis ni kecik sgt selalu terselit2 hilang dlm carrier.haha
Ye eh? Heard of it before maybe nnti can check it out!
Thanks Durra!
We have moby wrap in almond :) Najib yg excited nye. I just find it a bit tricky with tudung on.. My baby loves the hug hold and yes boba 3G nmpk sgt bes. Suitable for newborn gak - soya
Soya : true!! I normally had to tuck my tudung inside my baju if i am using the wrap. For now am itching for a ssc! Hehe
You are looking great with the wrap tasha! Let me know if you want to try on the ssc (I only have Pognae with me now) and mei tai. Zuleyka now dah besar dah boleh ssc small frame. For petite mom like you, you should wear the petite size ssc, customade pun better! :)
Haha. I feel u! I nk tunggu Waliyya 3 mo and leher dh kuat br nk beli ssc. Lgpon moby x seswai utk cuaca panas, i think we'll go with either boba or local ssc mcm jumpsac or neezaneedle. Nk try rs tp mcm x brani je ;) - soya
Paan : thanks! Tp need more practice la huhu nway bila come over pls bring those carriers nak try them on hehe thanks!
Soya : kannn??? The other day jumsac sale tau but i was still undecided so i missed it. Come to think of it rugi plak tak beli hehe
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