2 things that I miss

There are 2 things that I miss now that I am pregnant.

1. Pumping/expressing milk.

After religiously pumping for 10 months, I decided to stop. It feels really weird not carrying that bag around every single day and not hearing the loud yet funny sound of FS pump, which at one point, was called my 'lifeline' by a colleague (it was, actually). So, what made me stop? 

It is known that if you're a breastfeeding mum-to-be, a reduction in your milk production is unavoidable. I didn't realise my supply was decreasing bit by bit due to being pregnant until one day the amount of expressed milk I managed to get was short by 4oz. And that's frustrating if you ask me. But it was the fasting month at that time, so I tried to think positive. But the amount kept on decreasing and combined with nipple sensitivity (another sign to watch for in early pregnancy) I was experiencing, pumping became an unpleasant experience. Plus, I was tired most of the time, everything became arduous. 

So, when it was confirmed I am pregnant with number 2, everything just made sense. I tried pumping a few times after that, but it got painful due to the nipple sensitivity and I didn't want to take the risk of dealing with bleeding nipples. As much as I wished I could continue my routine, I thought stopping was the best decision. After all, I am not in this alone. Many bf mums-to-be are experiencing the same thing.

And that is why if you're a bf mum, planning your second pregnancy is vital because you don't want the bf journey to be interrupted for fear of some complications that might require you to wean your baby off.

As for me, alhamdulillah, I do not face any complications yet. I am still bf Luqman, he seems to be okay and doesn't show any signs of weaning, and syukur the EBM stock is still sufficient for now, insyaAllah. Lesson learned : Never take for granted your pumping session and keep on making stocks because you'll never now what's in store for you in the future. And I believe it is all Allah's doing and ada hikmahnya :)

2. Wearing my PB corset.

Just like pumping, my PB corset is my other best friend right after the 2nd week of me delivering up until I was known to be pregnant. I love love love what it does to my whole body - and the major one was to help me lose so much weight until I went lighter than before I got married!

I also love how it keeps my body intact, my back straight and it sorts of 'heals' the backache I was experiencing due to bf duty and post-pregnancy aches. All in all, a day with wearing PB makes me always on the go and it makes me feel good.

Now when I am faced with sheer exhaustion due to double-mummy duty, I wish I had my PB on, wrapped around my body, healing the backaches I am experiencing. It's okay, approximately 3 more months and you'll be attached to me again!

2 Replies:

sd. January 5, 2013 at 10:42 AM  

What type of pump u use?

PB corset is that good really? I have been thinking of having it too.

me January 6, 2013 at 8:34 PM  

I am using Medela Freestyle. Best!

And yes PB is one of my best buy and investment so far. A bit pricey, yes, tp it gives u health benefits. Mmg recommended. If interested can pm me :)

The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)