Spending money

I don't think I have spent so much like I do right now. When I was pregnant, money was spent on getting maternity clothes and undergarment as I seemed to outgrow them every month. Then, it was all about getting ready the baby stuffs which,no matter how broke, you still want to get them for your baby - because baby stuffs are just too cute to resist.

Now, post-pregnancy, it's all about getting more (nursing and breastfeeding friendly) clothes and undergarments. Not to mention, every trip out money WILL definitely be spent on buying stuffs for Luqman - no matter how many times I vowed not to. Sometimes, without planning to pun. Tapi somehow ada je kedai baby, then I'd go: eh singgah kejap lah, then left the shop with a plastic bag in hand. To me, I don't mind buying or spending on my son to which my mom replied "Haa, now you understand how it feels kan?". It feels like every penny worth spending. Plus, when you see that your baby looks good, you instantly feel good too.

If Mothercare has a Most Frequent Customer in a Month, I will definitely be awarded.

Don't even get me started on online shopping. My neighbour must be wondering why is it that the Pos Laju and Courier vans seem to deliver to my house most of the days hehe

Oh well, some of the things that have changed.

6 Replies:

Mommy Brella March 16, 2012 at 6:28 PM  

haish betul la tasha.
bab2 pasal bj ngandung tu! I seriously thought dah nak hujung2 ni tak payah nak shopping baju sendiri daa..but i was wrong :((
time2 ni memang sgt rapid la nak membesar semua bhgn! baju2 yg kononnya nak rotate sampai bersalin tinggal harapan jer la sekrg! sendat sane sendat sini..sampai i boleh cranky tak nak keluar sebb xde ape yg muat dah utk dipakai. kalau ari2 pakai jubah pon pening juge, lunyai la jubah tu...sob sob sob...

me March 17, 2012 at 1:59 AM  

kan? I was lucky because towards the end dah school holidays so I don't have to crack my head on what to wear.

I so understand the cranky part! nak beli baru rasa mcm bazir sebab dah nak bersalin but if not, u dont have anything comfortable to wear! it's ok dayah, hang in there. not too long now :)

Jarod Yong March 17, 2012 at 3:03 PM  

What does your hubby think about your spending sprees?

me March 18, 2012 at 5:41 PM  

Well, he's okay with spending on the baby stuffs. Though at times he does raise an eye, but usually he's the one adoring our son in the new apparel in the end. His key word : spend MODERATELY and WISELY! Haha

kay kamal March 28, 2012 at 1:07 AM  

In my case preggers clothes xsmpt pki pn cz khayra is small i din expand much n tx to me being a fatty once upon a time i just needed those old clothes to pull me thru!

me March 29, 2012 at 4:05 AM  

Kay, lucky you didn't expand much!

The Writer

The Writer
I am a wife, a mother, and a teacher by profession. At times a pessimist and one who is easily amused. I find comfort once entering the threshold of my bedroom. I write because I want to and it makes me feel good :)