Sunday, April 5, 2009

kisah si hang lekir

They say every cloud has a silver lining. And that there is always the light at the end of the tunnel. That turbulence do happen, but miracles will take over.

Guess what? We won. Yes, we won. We won!!

Rumah Lekir (Yellow House) was announced the best decorated tent. After all the drama, sweat and tears, we actually won. It was totally absurd, really. The tent remained crappy (in fact it turned out to be crappier due to the rain last night), but I guess we won due to the students' ability to answer the judges' questions well. And I wouldn't mind taking the credits because I know I have done my part well, too.

To think that we beat Red House's astounding decoration was way beyond my expectations. But I am really happy. Students who understood what I had gone through came to me and congratulated me saying nice things which really touched my heart.

"Teacher, tak sia2 teacher balik lambat semalam"

"Teacher thanks to you we won"

But I said "No, thank you because you answered the judges well. You made us win"

So I guess it paid off.

Actually, the tent was not really that bad. Perhaps I was driven by mad emotions.

One heck of an experience.

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